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SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Declaration

Aiko Uragami, picks up the voices of the nature and animals, and creates art that conveys problems and improvement methods related to the environment and animals to more people.  Also I participate in solo exhibitions, group exhibitions, and events to let many people, from children to adults, have more opportunities to see my art, and to work on SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) advocated by the United Nations.  I will strive to solve environmental problems more than ever and create a sustainable natural world.

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▶ ︎ What are SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)?

SDGs are an abbreviation for "Sustainable Development Goals", and the basic principle is "no one is left behind" adopted at the United Nations General Assembly held in September 2015. This is a common goal of the international community that we aim to achieve in the 15 years from 2016 to 2030. It is stated in the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development", has 17 goals and 169 targets, and is beginning to be actively adopted in Japan.

aiko uragami 's SDGs Initiatives

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I will develop art to show that we need to reuse, recycle, and reduce disposable goods in order to ensure sustainable production and consumption.
And I myself will make efforts such as using environmentally friendly materials to achieve this.

From the perspective of animals on the sea and land, I aim to create a work that conveys the voice of climate change into art, and show what are the problems and what needs to be done because of the problem.

I will create art that can get the attentions from people by the voices of animals : the sea is getting more and more polluted by human hands, what kind of danger is it to the creatures of the sea, and it is not the other person's affairs, but every human being has an influence.

As with the problem of the sea animals, animals on land present problems.
I will create the art to show the problems for the nature to be able to return to its original form, and for people including children to understand what each individual should do.
I also will continue to participate in the place to  convey the voice from the nature. 

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