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2021/10/1~31 Solo Moji Base art show at Ogaki Joho Kobo in Gifu Japan

My first solo exhibition has been running as a Moji designer

since Oct.1st.2021 (until the end of Oct)

The location is at the lobby of Ogaki Joho Kobo in

Kono Ogaki Gifu.

It is a large place where many people pass by,

and my MojiBa dogs and cats are exhibited in

the space.

My sons looked at them and enjoyed, so I was very happy.

(yep, they were satisfied in a very short time.

enjoyed the playground I took them after a lot more lol)

I put a 'message notebook', and every time I go there,

I see new messages.

Also I get many nice messages from my friends and acquaintances,

which I am very pleased of.

This exhibition has come true with many connections and

cooperation, so I thank all the people who were involved.

Also I appreciate so much for people who have come to

see my artworks using their valuable time.

My exhibition is taking a place until the end of this month,

so I hope my artworks will be seen by many people.

I take really good care of my babies (artworks)

until the end :)

Thank you.

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